How do I load my Original HH Tank?

To load the Original  HH Tank:

1) Slide the black, metal casing off the top of the Original HH Tank.

2) Remove the rubber stopper from the top of the tank. Be careful not to put pressure on the ceramic housing of the heating element, as pressure can cause this dish to crack or break.

3) Pour or drip your essential oils onto the wick at the heating element until the wick is saturated. If you are using a thicker essential oil, you may want to heat the oil until it can be poured or dripped onto the wick. DO NOT DIRECTLY TOUCH THE HEATING ELEMENT WITH YOUR G TOOL.

4) If using a thinner oil, you may want to reinsert the rubber stopper so oils do not splash into the mouthpiece. If using a thicker oil, this may not be necessary.

5) Slide the black, metal casing back onto the tank.

If using a thicker oil, you may want to "prime the tank" meaning, you may want to press you button to allow the heating element to melt your oil down before taking a pull from the pen. For best use, make sure NOT to touch the heating element with any tool, as to ensure the longest life expectancy of your tank. After taking these steps, begin taking pulls and enjoy your Original HH Tank!